Windows Live Photo Gallery allows you to tag the windows digital photos individually, or you can add a tag to a set of already-selected photos. If you are contented with the group, then simply click on Tag as in the new screen that emerges and enter the name of the individual in the photo. When you select this tag, windows photo application will examine all the faces in the photo and assemble them together according to those it considers to be similar.Do Exe Extractor Download Batch People Tag: You can locate its button next to the Descriptive label button.Such tags make it simpler to identify all the photos of Emma, and afterward, you can instruct your Windows Live Photo Gallery to assemble all of them on a screen based on the label.

For instance, you could use the Emma tag to a picture taken of your granddaughter’s 1st birthday celebration. You can locate its button in the lists on top of your computer screen.

Resizing, rotating, and cropping your windows live photos are only 3 of the well-liked editing functions of the Windows Live Photo Gallery.